Travel with me to Art Basel and beyond to encounter what makes a great piece of fine art.
For over a decade, I accept had the opportunity to see many museums, fine art shows, galleries, street art, etc. Forth the fashion, I have cataloged extremelly effective artworks and overall successful pieces of Fine art. More specifically, in the past six years, I have focused on Modernistic Fine art (art from 1860's -1970's) and Contemporary Art (20 and 21st century art).
While it is impossible to know the cross-cultural implications of beauty or the genetic predisposition to preference, good art begins with quality materials. Take a look at creative person Ha Chong-Hyun, whos effective piece of art moved me at Art Basel, Switzerland in 2019.
Chong-Hyun'due south medium is oil on hemp cloth. Looking closely at the canvas, you can see that the quality and intrigue of the material brand this work special! We can assume that the materials solitary took many studio hours to "invent" and then finally source yards of workable painting sheet. The oil paint is not croaky or flaking and is applied deliberately. Information technology tin can exist safety to presume that this piece sold somewhere between $100,000 to over a half million USD at Art Basel.
Alexander Calder is a wonderful example of an artist who exhibits confident execution in his timeless masterpieces. "The Tree" at Fondation Beyeler, Switzerland is an example of mastery in physics and unquestionable confidence exhibited by the artist's agreement of material and certainty that balance will win in this huge steel mobile.
A successful piece of art comes from an artist who knows his/her medium and is capable of budgeted a new piece with confidence. Some great fine art relies on the unpredictable nature of the medium and resorts largely to chance, however, a cracking slice of fine art will still hold you in the palm of its hand and invite you to trust the artist's execution. Calder's sculpture "Lily of Force" sold for a record $18.6 million in 2012.
Visual art relies on a viewer's response. An constructive piece of art volition indulge the viewer and encourage a reaction.
However, the second reaction is most important and oftentimes differinciates good fine art from great art. A quality first reaction from a viewer makes for an constructive piece of art, a meaningfulsecond reaction is usually when the viewer stands in awe and becomes a collector of that creative person's work.
For example:
First Reaction: "I only dearest what the artist is trying to say here!"
Second Reaction: *steps closer "…has that been chisled out of cheese?"
When I saw the huge yarn newspaper displayed in Miami for Art Basel, I was diddled away by the size. The material, as well looks ridiculously laboriously worked (if you look close, the knits might remind y'all of your grandma). This piece of work is a one-two-three punch AND has intention to alter the way we recollect and perceive our daily lives.
Hither is a one-two punch slice of art that as well has INTENTION. Intention can also be thought of equally timeliness where the artist is recognizing something that is electric current in his/her life, current in the news, riles the printing etc.
A crocheted time flop was washed by the artist Olek at the bottom of the ocean in Mexico. The intention was obvious; to draw attention to the conditions of our waters and to shed lite on the urgency of changing the way nosotros care for our planet.
The yarn bomb received a lot of bad press because it was done without asking permission. Olek used her underwater yarn bomb motif on the front end page of a GIANT crocheted NY Times Newspaper. Titled "Good News."
It goes without maxim that a good piece of art is expert because a lot of people know well-nigh it. The hype animal is real!
In the 21st Century, Banksy has been i of the virtually successful artists at strappin' up the old HYPE Beast and ridin' into an artist'due south dream sunset.
At the end of 2018, Sotheby'south London sold a Banksy original for $1.4 million. The faces of the auctioneers show an impressive second reaction as they watch Banksy's "Daughter with Airship" turn into the shredded "Dearest is in the Bin" right before their eyes.
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